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Brightspace Training & Support : Campus Faculty: Find & Pin Your Course, Course Setup, Student Notifications

Brightspace support guides for faculty teaching in our campus programs.

How to Use This Guide

This Guide will walk you through the basics in Brightspace, such as finding and pinning your course for easy access, changing your banner image, best practices for course set up (creating modules & uploading content), and information on how students receive notifications in Brightspace. 

If you have questions about the Basics in Brightspace that are not answered in this Guide or the FAQ page, please let us know at

The Basics in Brightspace

Why should I pin my course?

If you teach several courses or several sections, it may be difficult to locate the course or section you are currently teaching. Pinning your course in Brightspace allows you to easily access your course(s).

Below are videos demonstrating two ways you can find and pin your course(s) - choose the option that works best for you.

Important note: You can only use the Select-a-Course Grid search feature if you have 20 or more active courses in your queue. If you do not see a search box as described use Option 2 - My Courses Widget to find and pin your course.

Note: If you prefer written instructions, see the PDF below each video or in the Written Instructions box on the right-hand side of the page. 

How do I locate my Brightspace course(s)?

We know it can be tricky finding your Brightspace course, especially if there are a lot of courses in your list. The easiest way is to locate them is to click on the Select-A-Course grid (looks a little like a tic tac toe box on the top right-hand side of the Brightspace page), and then in the "Search for a course" box type in: Your Last Name (space) Academic Year & Semester.

For example, Smith 202301 or Smith 202302. Note: the Fall semester of the academic year would have an 01 after it (202301), and the Spring would have an 02 (202302).

Once you find the course(s), you can pin it/them so that they stay at the top of the list.

Find and Pin Your Course Using the Select-a-Course Grid (1.30 minutes)

Find and Pin Your Course Using the My Courses Widget (1.45 minutes)

Why is course set-up important? 

Course set up is important because it helps students easily navigate your Brightspace course and locate materials (such as their Syllabus). 

Watch this video to learn more about best practices and recommendations for your setting up your Brightspace course. 

Note: There is no corresponding PDF for this video. If you would like more information about best practices for course set-up, please contact

Best Practices for Course Set-Up (6 minutes)

How to Change the Banner Image on Your Brightspace Course

When you log into your Brightspace course, you will notice an image with your course name. Brightspace randomly selects an image to add to your course, but you are free to change that image if you wish. Please see the video below to learn how. 

If you prefer written instructions, please see the PDF below the video or in the Written Instructions box on the right-hand side of the page. 

How to Change the Banner Image in your Brightspace Course (1 Minute)

Why should I create a module (or modules) in my course?

Think of modules like folders for your syllabus, assignments, PowerPoints, and other course materials. Organizing your course with modules allows both you and your students to easily access the content in your course. The following video walks you through creating modules in your Brightspace course. 

After you have watched this video or viewed the PDF, be sure to check out the Upload Content into a Module tab to learn how to add content to the module you have created. 

Note: If you prefer written instructions, see the PDF below the video or in the Written Instructions box on the right-hand side of the page. 

Why would I hide a module in my course?

If you are adding content to a module but are not quite ready for students to see, you can hide the module and unhide it when you are ready for students to view the content

Create a module in your Brightspace course and Hide/Unhide the module (2 minutes)

What kind of content can I add to my Brightspace course?

You can add your syllabus so that students have easy access to it in Brightspace, but you can also add much more such as PDFs, links to articles or reading assignments, videos, et cetera!

Check out the following video to learn how. 

Note: If you prefer written instructions, see the PDF below each video or in the Written Instructions box on the right-hand side of the page. 

Upload a Document (e.g. Syllabus) in a Module (3 minutes)

What are Student Notifications?

Notifications allow a student to stay informed about course activity. Students can set up dropbox and quiz notifications as a reminder for upcoming due dates. Notifications can also be set up to alert a student when assignment feedback is available. The reminders can be sent as an email or text (SMS) message.

Please view this libguide created by the Wellehan Library to learn how students can receive notifications in Brightspace. 

Reminder: Any Brightspace student support questions should be addressed to

I have added modules and content to my course, but I would like someone to review it for me. Who do I contact?

Please send an email to We would be happy to take a look!

My course has more than one section. Can I email just one section of my classlist? 

Yes! For more information, watch this video or visit the tab entitled "Email Your Classlist"

I want to change the banner image in my Brightspace course. Can I do that?

Yes, you sure can! Please see this video for more information or visit the tab entitled "Change the Banner Image in Your Brightspace Course"

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Liza Dalfonso
for Brightspace Training!

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