How do I submit a file to complete an assignment?
Follow these instructions to submit an assignment, using the dropbox. For more information, watch this video.
Note to tablet users: Uploading directly to Dropbox from iPad is not supported. Uploading from other tablets may or may not work.
I use a Chromebook and am having difficulty uploading a file to the dropbox.
For information on how to upload a file into the dropbox using a Chromebook watch this video.
I need to submit an audio file to complete an assignment. How do I do this?
In the Dropbox of a course, there is a, "Record Audio" or "Record Video button". For more information about these, please view the Audio/Video Presentation LibGuide page.
What types of files can I upload into the dropbox?
All files submitted to assignments folders must have appropriate file extensions (e.g. .doc, .pdf, .rtf).
The formatting of your document may look different than the original file. The original file can be downloaded using a link at the top of the window.
Text documents
When I attempt to upload a file into the dropbox using a file from Google Drive, I see the following error message:
"An error occurred downloading your document. Try again in five minutes. If the error persists, contact your administrator."
When uploading a document that was created within Google Docs, rename the file in Google Docs. To do that, download the file and rename it. Then, upload the newly renamed file back into Google Drive. Finally, in Brightspace, visit the dropbox and upload the renamed file from Google Drive.
It is also possible to download the file from Google Drive to your computer and then upload it into the dropbox.
I am not able to submit an assignment. When I attempt to upload a file, I get a generic error message. Why is this happening?
When naming a file, keep the file name short and avoid any special characters such as \ / : * ? “ < > | ~ # % & + { }. For more information about file submission errors visit this site.
Your file size may be too big. If Turnitin is enabled, the file must be less than 100 MB. If your file is larger than 100 MB, you can reduce its size by splitting it up into smaller files.
If you need assistance uploading a file to the dropbox, please contact