What are Brightspace Notifications?
Notifications allow a student to stay informed about course activity. Students can set up dropbox and quiz notifications as a reminder for upcoming due dates. Notifications can also be set up to alert a student when assignment feedback is available. The reminders can be sent as an email or text (SMS) message.
Students are responsible for submitting assignments by the due dates in their courses. While Notifications can be a helpful tool for some due date reminders, they should not be solely relied upon due to variations in how courses are set up. Students should always check with their instructors if they are unsure of due dates.
To set up Notifications, click the name in the top-right corner of the window and select Notifications from the menu:
A weekly summary of activity can be set up by selecting from a drop-down menu:
Instant Notifications can be enabled by checking the box in the SMS or Email column:
In the Discussions area, It is possible to subscribe to a discussion board. Doing this will display a notification of recent activity in the discussion board.
I just submitted an assignment. How do I know that it was received?
Brightspace sends an automated message confirming that a file has been submitted to a dropbox. It looks like this:
Submission ID: 393185
Received: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 1:05 PM EDT
Org Unit: Justin's Sandbox 2
File(s): 9-2-2020 HY390B 35 Review Questions.docx (14 KB)
I didn't receive the confirmation message.
It may be in a spam folder. Please review your inbox carefully.